Express Speech & Augmentative Communication Services offers

Empowering Communication: A Parent's Guide to AAC   Attend 1, 2 or all 3.

Sundays, 1- 2 pm

Feb 2. ** Where to Start? 

What is AAC? How do we get started with AAC for a child/adult who has no or minimal verbal speech? Rights & Advocacy, Low tech to high tech devices.

March 9 ** AAC Evaluations

Trialing a device, how to choose and obtain AAC devices,  exploring options. For those with an ipad/device what's working, what's not working? 

March 30 **: AAC at home

The importance of family, developing routines and using multimodal communication, how AAC practice at home can help overall communication

  FREE, click here to register.

Sessions will be led by Kelly Fagan, MS CCC-SLP, of Express Speech & Augmentative Communication Services, with over 25 years of experience serving individuals with complex communication needs.


Image: Boy with curly hair, teal t-shirt holding an AAC device