Express Speech & Augmentative Communication Services offers

Empowering Communication: A Parent's Guide to AAC   Attend 1, 2 or all 3.

Sundays, 1- 2 pm

Feb 2. ** Where to Start? 

What is AAC? How do we get started with AAC for a child/adult who has no or minimal verbal speech? Rights & Advocacy, Low tech to high tech devices.

March 9 ** AAC Evaluations

Trialing a device, how to choose and obtain AAC devices,  exploring options. For those with an ipad/device what's working, what's not working? 

March 30 **: AAC at home

The importance of family, developing routines and using multimodal communication, how AAC practice at home can help overall communication

  FREE, click here to register.


Image: Boy with curly hair, teal t-shirt holding an AAC device